A Welcome From Trinity MAT’s CEO

“Trinity MAT’s ethos is a simple one – to ensure that young people in our care fulfil their potential. Everything we do is in pursuit of that one aim. Our foundations are strong, formed as they have been through a commitment to inclusive education, extremely high standards for all and not accepting that we can’t. Indeed, we strongly believe that we can, whatever the challenge is.”
Michael GoslingCEO Trinity MAT
Michael Gosling

We are a Church of England (CoE) trust, and in keeping with our principles we welcome schools of all faiths and none.  We also include an exciting variety of institutions, from primary to post-16 education, ranging in size from 180 to 1800 students.  Effective collaboration, across a wide number of schools, is an important part of who we are.

Ours is a considered approach to growth, with like-minded people who share the same values.  Whilst we have proven systems for school improvement, we passionately believe the thing that makes us special is the people who work for us.  We invest heavily in them, teaching and support staff alike, because they make the difference.

If you would like to know more about the trust please visit our website.

Mr Michael Gosling
CEO Trinity MAT

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